My Country My Pride (PART 3)- Brazil..!!
1. Brazil is the world’s fifth-largest country and has the sixth most people living there of any country in the world. 2.Over 211 million people live in Brazil. 3.The reason Brazil has 4 time zones is because it is so big there is a big difference in when the sun sets across the country. 4.Lots of people think Rio de Janeiro is the Capital but it’s actually Brasilia. Other big cities include Sao Paulo, Salvador and Fortaleza . 5.Most of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil. The rainforest is full of animals and sometimes called ‘the lungs of the Earth’ because all the trees pump out oxygen which help combat climate change. 6.Unfortunately Brazilian rainforest is being cut and burnt down to graze cattle and grow palm oil. This is making climate change worse. 7.The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. To say hello you say ‘Olá’. 8.It is the only country in South America that speaks Portuguese – other South American countries mainly speak Spanish. 9.The Amazon river f...