SmartSideSpecials~ MODERNISATION
The term modernisation “does not denote any philosophy or movement, but it only symbolises a process of change. In fact, “Modernisation” is understood as a process which indicates the adoption of the modern ways of life and values'”. The term was being used previously to refer only “to change in economy and its related effect on social values and practices” The scientific and technological inventions have brought about remarkable changes in the whole system of social relationship and installed new ideologies in the place of traditional ones Causes of Modernisation: What factors condition modernisation? What conditions lead to modernisation? What conditions hinder it? In exploring suitable answers to these questions sociologists look within the society to discover the various factors, groups, people and agencies and instruments that contribute to modernisation. Modernisation is not caused by any single factor. It is the net result of a number of factors. Myron Weiner speaks of fiv...